

Manuela Fritz, Michael Grimm, Ingmar Weber, Elad Yom-Tov, Benedictus Praditya: Can social media encourage diabetes self-screenings? A randomized controlled trial with Indonesian Facebook users. npj Digital Medicine, 7, 245.

Till Koebe, Theophilus Aidoo, Ridhi Kashyap, Douglas Leasure, Valentina Rotondi, Ingmar Weber: Social Capital Mediates Knowledge Gaps in Informing Sexual and Reproductive Health Behaviours Across Africa. Social Science & Medicine, Volume 357, 117159.

Till Koebe, Zinnya del Villar, Brahmani Nutakki, Nursulu Sagimbayeva, Ingmar Weber: Unveiling Local Patterns of Child Pornography Consumption in France using Tor. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 11, article 807.

Dilek Yildiz, Arkadiusz Wisniowski, Guy Abel, Ingmar Weber, Emilio Zagheni, Cloe Gendronneau, Stijn Hoorens: Integrating Traditional and Social Media Data to Predict Bilateral Migrant Stocks in the European Union. International Migration Review.

Divya Mani Adhikari, Muhammad Imran, Umair Qazi, Ingmar Weber: Analyzing Mentions of Death in Covid-19 Tweets. ICWSM, pages 2077-2083.

Francesco Rampazzo, Jakub Bijak, Agnese Vitali, Ingmar Weber, Emilio Zagheni: Assessing Timely Migration Trends through Digital Traces: A Case Study of the UK before Brexit. International Migration Review.

Jordan D. Klein, Ingmar Weber, Emilio Zagheni: Stop, in the name of COVID! Estimating the Effects of COVID-19-Related Travel Restrictions on Migration Using Social Media Data. Demography, 11229946.

Ghazal Kalhor, Hannah Gardner, Ingmar Weber, Ridhi Kashyap: Gender Gaps in Online Social Connectivity, Promotion and Relocation Reports on LinkedIn. ICWSM, pages 800-812.


Jisu Kim, Soazic Elise Wang Sonne, Kiran Garimella, Andre Grow, Ingmar Weber, and Emilio Zagheni: Online Social Integration of Migrants: Evidence from Twitter. Migration Studies Journal, mnad017.

Wenqing Qian, Ole Hexel, Emilio Zagheni, Ridhi Kashyap and Ingmar Weber: Demographic inequalities in digital spaces in China: The case of Weibo. ICWSM Workshop on Data for the Wellbeing of the Most Vulnerable.

Jisu Kim, Emilio Zagheni and Ingmar Weber: Augmenting migration statistics using social media. Harnessing Data Innovation for Migration Policy: A Handbook for Practitioners, pages 42-53.

Sanjay Chawla, Preslav Nakov, Ahmed Ali, Wendy Hall, Issa Khalil, Xiaosong Ma, Husrev Taha Sencar, Ingmar Weber, Michael Wooldridge and Ting Yu: Ten years after ImageNet: a 360 perspective on artificial intelligence. Royal Society Open Science, Vol. 0, No. 3, pages 221414

Aparup Khatua, Emilio Zagheni, Ingmar Weber: Host-Centric Social Connectedness of Migrants in Europe on Facebook. ICWSM, pages 1143-1147.

Masoomali Fatehkia, Muhammad Imran, Ingmar Weber: Towards Real-time Remote Social Sensing via Targeted Advertising. ISCRAM Work-in-Progress, pages 396-406.

Douglas Leasure, Ridhi Kashyap, Francesco Rampazzo, Claire Dooley, Benjamin Elbers, Maksym Bondarenko, Mark Verhagen, Arun Frey, Jiani Yan, Evelina Akimova, Masoomali Fatehkia, Robert Trigwell, Andrew Tatem, Ingmar Weber, Melinda Mills: Nowcasting daily population displacement in Ukraine through social media advertising data. Population and Development Review.

Nazanin Sabri, Stephen Reysen, Ingmar Weber: Gender Pay Gap in Sports on a Fan-Request Celebrity Video Site. The Web Conference, pages 4142-4149.

Keyu Chen, Marzieh Babaeianjelodar, Yiwen Shi, Kamila Janmohamed, Rupak Sarkar, Ingmar Weber, Thomas Davidson, Munmun De Choudhury, Jonathan Huang, Shweta Yadav, Ashique Khudabukhsh, Preslav Ivanov Nakov, Chris Bauch, Orestis Papakyriakopoulos, Kaveh Khoshnood, Navin Kumar: Partisan US News Media Representations of Syrian Refugees. ICWSM, pages 103-113.

Francesco Rampazzo, Marzia Rango, Ingmar Weber: New Migration Data: Challenges and Opportunities. Handbook of Computational Social Science for Policy, Springer, pages 345-358.


Masoomali Fatehkia, Zinnya del Villar, Till Koebe, Emmanuel Letouze, Andres Lozano, Roaa Al Feel, Fouad Mrad, Ingmar Weber: Using Facebook Advertising Data to Describe the Socio-Economic Situation of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon. Frontiers in Big Data, Data Analytics for Social Impact, 5:1033530.

Andre Grow, Daniela Perrotta, Emanuele Del Fava, Jorge Cimentada, Francesco Rampazzo, Sofia Gil-Clavel, Emilio Zagheni, Rene D. Flores, Ilana Ventura, Ingmar Weber: Is Facebook’s Advertising Data Accurate Enough for Use in Social Science Research? Insights from a Cross-National Online Survey. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), pages 1-21.

Carolina Coimbra Vieira, Masoomali Fatehkia, Kiran Garimella, Ingmar Weber, Emilio Zagheni: Using Facebook and LinkedIn Data to Study International Mobility. Data Science for Migration and Mobility, Oxford University Press, Chapter 7.

Reham Al Tamime, Masoomali Fatehkia, Ridhi Kashyap, Ingmar Weber: Leveraging Online Advertising Data for Measuring the Sustainable Development Goals: Applications for Gender Gaps and SDG 5. Science-Policy Brief for the STI Forum 2022.

Reham Al Tamime, Ingmar Weber: Using social media advertisement data to monitor the gender gap in STEM: opportunities and challenges. PeerJ Computer Science, 8:e994.

Susan Dun, Hatim Rachdi, Shahan Ali Memon, Rohith Krishnan Pillai, Yelena Mejova, and Ingmar Weber: Perceptions of FIFA Men’s World Cup 2022 Host Nation Qatar in the Twittersphere. International Journal of Sport Communication, vol. 15, iss. 3.


Reham Al Tamime, Ingmar Weber: Tracking Exposure to Ads Amidst COVID-19: Development of a Public Google Ads Dataset. JMIR Data, vol. 2, no. 1, e22446.

Jisun An, Haewoon Kwak, Hanya Qureshi, Ingmar Weber: Precision Public Health Campaign: Delivering Persuasive Messages to Relevant Segments Through Targeted Advertisements on Social Media. JMIR Formative Research, vol. 5, no. 9, e22313.

Nazanin Sabri, Ingmar Weber: A Global Book Reading Dataset. MDPI Data, vol. 6, no. 83.

Nazanin Sabri, Ridhi Kashyap, Ingmar Weber: Examining Global Mobile Diffusion and Mobile Gender Gaps through Facebook’s Advertising Data. ACM HyperText, pages 287-290.

Alexandra Tyers-Chowdhury, Gerda Binder, Ridhi Kashyap, Mariana de Araujo Cunha, Reham Al Tamime, Ingmar Weber: Using big data for insights into the gender digital divide for girls: A discussion paper. UNICEF Gender and Innovation, Evidence Briefs.

Sathyanarayanan Doraiswamy, Sohaila Cheema, Patrick Maisonneuve, Amit Abraham, Ingmar Weber, Jisun An, Albert B. Lowenfels, Ravinder Mamtani: Knowledge and Anxiety about COVID-19 in the State of Qatar and the Middle East and North Africa Region – A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 18, no. 12.

George Berry, Antonio Sirianni, Ingmar Weber, Jisun An, Michael Macy: Estimating homophily in social networks using dyadic predictions. Sociological Science, vol. 8, no. 14, pages 285-307.

Francesco Rampazzo, Jakub Bijak, Agnese Vitali, Ingmar Weber, Emilio Zagheni: A Framework for Estimating Migrant Stocks Using Digital Traces and Survey Data: An Application in the United Kingdom. Demography, 9578562.

Ingmar Weber, Muhammad Imran, Ferda Ofli, Fouad Mrad, Jennifer Colville, Mehdi Fathallah, Alissar Chaker, Wigdan Seed Ahmed:Non-Traditional Data Sources: Providing Insights into Sustainable Development. Communications of the ACM, Vol. 64, no. 4, pages 88-95.


Francesco Rampazzo, Ingmar Weber: Facebook Advertising Data in Africa. In Migration in West and North Africa and across the Mediterranean – Trends, risks, development and governance, IOM Report, pages 32-40.

Florianne C. J. Verkroost, Ridhi Kashyap, Kiran Garimella, Ingmar Weber, Emilio Zagheni: Tracking global gender gaps in information technology using online data. ITU Digital Skills Insights 2020, pages 81-93.

Hamid Mehmood, S. Karthik Mukkavilli, Ingmar Weber, Atsushi Koshio, Chinaporn Meechaiya,Thanapon Piman, Kenneth Mubea, Cecilia Tortajada, Kimberly Mahadeo, Danielle Liao: Strategic Foresight to Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Achieve Water-related Sustainable Development Goals. UNU-INWEH Report Series, Issue 9.

David Adelani, Ryota Kobayashi, Ingmar Weber, Przemyslaw Grabowicz: Estimating Community Feedback Effect on Topic Choice in Social Media with Predictive Modeling. EPJ Data Science, 9:25.

Masoomali Fatehkia, Isabelle Tingzon, Ardie Orden, Stephanie Sy, Vedran Sekara, Manuel Garcia-Herranz, Ingmar Weber: Mapping Socioeconomic Indicators Using Social Media Advertising Data. EPJ Data Science, 9:22.

Masoomali Fatehkia, Benjamin Coles, Ferda Ofli, Ingmar Weber: The Relative Value of Facebook Advertising Data for Poverty Mapping. ICWSM, p. 934-938.

Ridhi Kashyap, Masoomali Fatehkia, Reham Al Tamime, Ingmar Weber:Monitoring Global Digital Gender Inequality Using the Online Populations of Facebook and Google. Demographic Research, Volume 43, article 27, pages 779-816.

Joao Palotti, Natalia Adler, Alfredo Morales-Guzman, Jeffrey Villaveces, Vedran Sekara, Manuel Garcia Herranz, Musa Al-Asad, Ingmar Weber: Monitoring of the Venezuelan Exodus through Facebook’s Advertising Platform. PLOS ONE, 15(2): e0229175.

Shahan Ali Memon, Saquib Razak, Ingmar Weber: Lifestyle Disease Surveillance Using Population Search Behavior: A Feasibility Study. JMIR, vol. 22, no. 1, pg e13337.

Daniele Rama, Kyriaki Kalimeri, Yelena Mejova, Michele Tizzoni and Ingmar Weber: Facebook Ads as a Demographic Tool to Measure the Urban-Rural Divide. The Web Conference (WWW), p. 327-338.


Cloe Gendronneau, Arkadiusz Wisniowski, Dilek Yildiz, Emilio Zagheni, Lee Fiorio, Yuan Hsiao, Martin Stepanek, Ingmar Weber, Guy Abel, Stijn Hoorens: Measuring labour mobility and migration using big data. European Commission Report, KE-01-19-556-EN-N.

Spyridon Spyratos, Michele Vespe, Fabrizio Natale, Ingmar Weber, Emilio Zagheni, Marzia Rango: Quantifying International Human Mobility Patterns Using Facebook Network Data. PLOS ONE, 14(10): e0224134.

Isabelle Tingzon, Ardie Orden, Stephanie Sy, Vedran Sekara, Ingmar Weber, Masoomali Fatehkia, Manuel Garcia Herranz, Dohyung Kim: Mapping Poverty in the Philippines Using Machine Learning, Satellite Imagery, and Crowd-sourced Geospatial Information. AI for Social Good ICML 2019 Workshop.

Neal Marquez, Kiran Garimella, Ott Toomet, Ingmar Weber, Emilio Zagheni: Segregation and Sentiment: Estimating Refugee Segregation and Its Effects Using Digital Trace Data. In Guide to Mobile Data Analytics in Refugee Scenarios, p. 265-282.

Javier Marin, Aritro Biswas, Ferda Ofli, Nicholas Hynes, Amaia Salvador, Yusuf Aytar, Ingmar Weber, Antonio Torralba: Recipe1M+: A Dataset for Learning Cross-Modal Embeddings for Cooking Recipes and Food Images. TPAMI.

Thomas Davidson, Debasmita Bhattacharya, Ingmar Weber: Racial Bias in Hate Speech and Abusive Language Detection Datasets. Workshop on Abusive Language Online, p. 25-35.

Meysam Alizadeh, Ingmar Weber, Claudio Cioffi-Revilla, Santo Fortunato, Michael Macy: Psychology and Morality of Political Extremists: Evidence from Twitter Language Analysis of Alt-Right and Antifa. EPJ Data Science, 8:17.

Dim Papadopoulos, Youssef Tamaazousti, Ferda Ofli, Ingmar Weber, Antonio Torralba: How to make a pizza: Learning a compositional layer-based GAN model. CVPR, p. 8002-8011.

George Nitzburg, Elad Yom-Tov, Ingmar Weber: Internet Searches for Medical Symptoms Preceding the Seeking of Twelve-Step Addiction Treatment Information: A Web Search Log Analysis. JMIR, vol. 21, no. 5, pg. e10946.

Ian Stewart, Rene Flores, Timothy Riffe, Ingmar Weber and Emilio Zagheni: Rock, Rap, or Reggaeton?: Assessing Mexican Immigrants’ Cultural Assimilation Using Facebook Data. The Web Conference (WWW), p. 3258-3264.

Masoomali Fatehkia, Dan O’Brien, Ingmar Weber: Correlated impulses: Using Facebook interests to improve predictions of crime rates in urban areas. PLOS ONE, 14(2): e0211350.


Ingmar Weber, Ridhi Kashyap, Emilio Zagheni: Using Advertising Audience Estimates to Improve Global Development Statistics. ITU Journal, Volume 1, Issue No 2, Data for Good.

Matheus Araujo, Yelena Mejova, Michael Aupetit, Ingmar Weber: Visualizing Geo-Demographic Urban Data. CSCW, 45-48.

Spyridon Spyratos, Michele Vespe, Fabrizio Natale, Ingmar Weber, Emilio Zagheni, Marzia Rango: Migration Data using Social Media: a European Perspective. JRC Technical Report, JRC112310.

Enes Kocabey, Ferda Ofli, Javier Marin, Antonio Torralba, Ingmar Weber: Using Computer Vision to Study the Effects of BMI on Online Popularity and Weight-Based Homophily. SocInfo: Part II, p129-138.

Antoine Dubois, Emilio Zagheni, Kiran Garimella, Ingmar Weber: Studying Migrant Assimilation Through Facebook Interests. SocInfo: Part II, p51-60.

Jisun An, Ingmar Weber: Diversity in Online Advertising: A Case Study of 69 Brands on Social Media. SocInfo: Part I, p38-53.

George Berry, Antonio Sirianni, Nathan High, Agrippa Kellum, Ingmar Weber and Michael Macy: Estimating group properties in online social networks with a classifier. SocInfo: Part I, p67-85.

Aritro Biswas, Peter Mawhorter, Ferda Ofli, Javier Marin, Ingmar Weber, Antonio Torralba: Human-Recipe Interaction via Learned Semantic Embeddings. Designing Recipes for Digital Food Lifestyles, Workshop @ CHI 2018, paper #7.

Yelena Mejova, Harsh Rajiv Gandhi, Tejas Jivanbhai Rafaliya, Mayank Rameshbhai Sitapara, Ridhi Kashyap, Ingmar Weber: Measuring Subnational Digital Gender Inequality in India through Gender Gaps in Facebook Use. COMPASS, article no. 43.

Koustuv Saha, Ingmar Weber, Munmun De Choudhury: A Social Media Based Examination of the Effects of Counseling Recommendations After Student Deaths on College Campuses. ICWSM: 320-329.

Francesco Rampazzo, Francesco Billari, Maria Rita Testa, Ingmar Weber, Emilio Zagheni: Mater Certa Test, Pater Numquam: What can Facebook Advertising Data Tell Us About Male Fertility Rates?. ICWSM: 672-675.

Karri Haranko, Kiran Garimella, Emilio Zagheni, Ingmar Weber:Professional Gender Gaps Across US Cities. ICWSM: 604-607.

Masoomali Fatehkia, Ridhi Kashyap, Ingmar Weber: Using Facebook Ad Data to Track the Global Digital Gender Gap. In World Development. Volume 107, p189-209.

Javier Borge-Holthoefer, Muzammil Hussain, Ingmar Weber: Studying Networked Communication in the Middle East: Social Disrupter and Social Observatory. In S. Gonzalez-Bailon and B. Foucault Wells (Eds), Communication in the Networked Age. Oxford University Press.

Ingmar Weber: Epilogue: On the Digital Middle East and Computational Social Science. In Digital Middle East: State and Society in the Information Age, Edited by Mohamed Zayani, Hurst Publishers.

Yelena Mejova, Luis Luque, Ingmar Weber: Online Health Monitoring using Facebook Advertisement Audience Estimates in the United States: Evaluation Study. JMIR Public Health: Vol 4, No 1: e30.


Sohaila Cheema, Patrick Maisonneuve, Ingmar Weber, Luis Fernandez-Luque, Amit Abraham, Hekmat Alrouh, Javaid Sheikh, Albert B. Lowenfels, Ravinder Mamtani: Knowledge and perceptions about Zika virus in a Middle East country. BMC Infectious Diseases: 17:524.

Emilio Zagheni, Ingmar Weber, Krishna Gummadi: Leveraging Facebooks Advertising Platform to Monitor Stocks of Migrants. Population and Development Review: Vol. 43, Issue 4, 721-734 .

Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella, Jonathan Cohen, Ingmar Weber: Understanding Para Social Breakups on Twitter. WebSci: 383-384.

Shahan Ali Memon, Rohith Krishnan Pillai, Susan Dun, Yelena Mejova, Ingmar Weber: Public Perception of a Country: Exploring Tweets About Qatar. WebSci: 401-402.

Zeerak Waseem, Dana Warmsley, Thomas Davidson, Ingmar Weber: Understanding Abuse – A Typology of Abusive Language Detection Subtasks. ACL Workshop on Abusive Language: 78-84.

Drew Margolin, Aniko Hannak, Ingmar Weber: Political Fact-Checking on Twitter: When Do Corrections Have an Effect? Political Communication: 1-24.

Lee Fiorio, Guy Abel, Cai Jixuan, Emilio Zagheni, Ingmar Weber, Guillermo Vinue: Using Twitter Data to Estimate the Relationships between Short-term Mobility and Long-term Migration. WebSci: 103-110.

Matheus Araujo, Yelena Mejova, Ingmar Weber, Fabricio Benevenuto: Using Facebook Ads Audiences for Global Lifestyle Disease Surveillance: Promises and Limitations. WebSci: 253-257.

Yongren Shi, Kai Mast, Ingmar Weber, Agrippa Kellum, Michael Macy: Cultural Fault Lines and Political Polarization. WebSci: 213-217.

Luis Fernandez-Luque, Meghna Singh, Ferda Ofli, Yelena Mejova, Ingmar Weber, Michael Aupetit, Sahar Karim Jreige , Ahmed Elmagarmid, Jaideep Srivastava, Mohamed Ahmedna: Implementing 360-degree Quantified Self for Childhood Obesity: Feasibility study and Experiences from a Weight Loss Camp in Qatar. BMC Medical Informatics: 17:37.

Amaia Salvador, Nicholas Hynes, Yusuf Aytar, Javier Marin, Ferda Ofli, Ingmar Weber, Antonio Torralba: Learning Cross-modal Embeddings for Cooking Recipes and Food Images. CVPR: 3020-3028.

Matheus Araujo, Yelena Mejova, Michael Aupetit, Ingmar Weber: Visualizing Health Awareness in the Middle East. ICWSM: 725-726.

Enes Kocabey, Mustafa Camurcu, Ferda Ofli, Yusuf Aytar, Javier Marin, Antonio Torralba, Ingmar Weber: Face-to-BMI: Using Computer Vision to Infer Body Mass Index on Social Media. ICWSM: 572-575.

Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella, Ingmar Weber: A Long-Term Analysis of Polarisation on Twitter. ICWSM: 528-531.

Thomas R. Davidson, Dana Warmsley, Michael Macy, Ingmar Weber: Automated Hate Speech Detection and the Problem of Offensive Language. ICWSM: 512-515.

Jussi Ojala, Emilio Zagheni, Francesco Billari, Ingmar Weber: Fertility and its Meaning: Evidence from Search Behavior. ICWSM: 640-643.

Koustuv Saha, Ingmar Weber, Michael L. Birnbaum, Munmun De Choudhury: Characterizing Population Awareness of Schizophrenia Leveraging Facebook Advertisement Estimates. JMIR: vol. 19, iss. 5, e156.

Ferda Ofli, Yusuf Aytar, Ingmar Weber, Raggi al Hammouri, Antonio Torralba: Is Saki #delicious? The Food Perception Gap on Instagram and Its Relation to Health. WWW: 509-518.

Tiago Cunha, Ingmar Weber, Gisele Pappa: A Warm Welcome Matters! The Link Between Social Feedback and Weight Loss in /r/loseit. WWW Websci Track: 1063-1072.

Munmun de Choudhury, Mrinal Kumar, Ingmar Weber: Computational Approaches Toward Integrating Quantified Self Sensing and Social Media. CSCW: 1334-1349.


Christina Hughes, Emilio Zagheni, Guy J. Abel, Arkadiusz Wisniowski, Alessandro Sorichetta, Ingmar Weber, Andrew J. Tatem: Inferring Migrations: Traditional Methods and New Approaches based on Mobile Phone, Social Media, and other Big Data. European Commission Report, KE-02-16-632-EN-N.

Aek Palakorn Achananuparp, Ingmar Weber: Extracting Food Substitutes From Food Diary via Distributional Similarity. HealthRecSys.

Fatema Akbar, Ingmar Weber: #Sleep_as_Android: Feasibility of Using Sleep Logs on Twitter for Sleep Studies. ICHI: 227-233.

Johnnatan Messias, Fabricio Benevenuto, Ingmar Weber, Emilio Zagheni: From Migration Corridors to Clusters: The Value of Google+ Data for Migration Studies. ASONAM: 421-428.

Soroosh Nalchigar, Ingmar Weber, Parisa Lak, Ayse Bener: A Large-Scale Study of Online Shopping Behavior. IDEAS: 290-295.

Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella, Ingmar Weber, Munmun De Choudhury: Quote RTs on Twitter: Usage of the New Feature for Political Discourse. WebSci: 200-204.

Eric Malmi, Ingmar Weber: You Are What Apps You Use: Demographic Prediction Based on User’s Apps. ICWSM: 635-638.

Munmun De Choudhury, Shagun Jhaver, Benjamin Sugar, Ingmar Weber: Social Media Participation in an Activist Movement for Racial Equality. ICWSM: 92-101.

Przemyslaw Grabowicz, Mahmoudreza Babaei, Juhi Kulshrestha, Ingmar Weber: The Road to Popularity: the Dilution of Growing Audience on Twitter. ICWSM: 567-570.

Jisun An, Ingmar Weber: #greysanatomy vs. #yankees: Demographics and Hashtag Use on Twitter. ICWSM: 523-526.

Leandro Silva, Mainack Mondal, Denzil Correa, Fabricio Benevenuto, Ingmar Weber: Analyzing the Targets of Hate in Online Social Media. ICWSM: 687-690.

Yafei Wang, Prasenjit Mitra, Ingmar Weber: Quantified Self Meets Social Media: Sharing of Weight Updates on Twitter. DigitalHealth: 93-97.

Ingmar Weber, Yelena Mejova: Crowdsourcing Health Labels: Inferring Body Weight from Profile Pictures. DigitalHealth: 105-109.

Tiago Cunha, Ingmar Weber, Hamed Haddadi, Gisele Pappa: The Effect of Social Feedback in a Weight Loss Subreddit. DigitalHealth: 99-103.

Walid Magdy, Kareem Darwish, Ingmar Weber: #FailedRevolutions: Using Twitter to study the antecedents of ISIS support. First Monday 21(2) (2016).

Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella, Abdulrahman Alfayad, Ingmar Weber: Social Media Image Analysis for Public Health. CHI: 5543-5547.

Alexandra Olteanu, Ingmar Weber, Daniel Gatica-Perez: Characterizing the Demographics Behind the #BlackLivesMatter Movement. OSSM: 310-313.

Kunwoo Park, Ingmar Weber, Meeyoung Cha, Chul Lee: Persistent Sharing of Fitness App Status on Twitter. CSCW: 184-194.

Ingmar Weber, Aek Palakorn Achananuparp: Insights From Machine-Learned Diet Success Prediction. PSB: 540-551.


Jisun An, Ingmar Weber: Whom Should We Sense in “Social Sensing” — Analyzing Which Users Work Best for Social Media Now-Casting. EPJ Data Science: 4:22.

Yelena Mejova, Hamed Haddadi, Sofiane Abbar, Azadeh Ghahghaei, Ingmar Weber: Dietary Habits of an Expat Nation: Case of Qatar. ICHI (short paper): 57-62.

Hamed Haddadi, Ferda Ofli, Yelena Mejova, Ingmar Weber, Jaideep Srivastava: 360 Quantified Self. International Workshop on Smart and Connected Health: 587-592.

Yelena Mejova, Ingmar Weber, Michael Macy (eds): Twitter – A Digital Socioscope. Cambridge University Press.

Bogdan State, Patrick Park, Ingmar Weber, Michael Macy: The Mesh of Civilizations in the Global Network of Digital Communication. PLoS ONE, 10(5): e0122543.

Walid Magdy, Kareem Darwish, Ingmar Weber: “I like ISIS, but I want to watch Chris Nolan’s new movie” – Exploring ISIS Supporters on Twitter. Hypertext 2015, demo paper: 321 – 322.

Paul Duetting, Monika Henzinger, Ingmar Weber: An Expressive Mechanism for Auctions on the Web. TEAC: Volume 4 Issue 1, Article No. 1.

Minsu Park, Ingmar Weber, Mor Naaman, Sarah Vieweg: Understanding Musical Diversity via Online Social Media. ICWSM 2015: 308-317.

Emilio Zagheni, Ingmar Weber: Demographic Research with Non-Representative Internet Data . International Journal of Manpower: vol. 36 (1), 13 – 25.

Yelena Mejova, Hamed Haddadi, Anastasios Noulas, Ingmar Weber: #FoodPorn: Obesity Patterns in Culinary Interactions. DigitalHealth 2015: 51-58.

Yelena Mejova, Javier Borge-Holthoefer, Ingmar Weber: Bridges into the Unknown: Personalizing Connections to Little-known Countries. CHI 2015: 2633-2642.

Sofiane Abbar, Yelena Mejova, Ingmar Weber: You Tweet What You Eat: Studying Food Consumption Through Twitter. CHI 2015: 3197-3206.

Javier Borge-Holthoefer, Walid Magdy, Kareem Darwish, Ingmar Weber: Content and Network Dynamics Behind Egyptian Political Polarization on Twitter. CSCW 2015: 700-711.

Giorgos Giannopoulos, Marios Koniaris, Ingmar Weber, Alejandro Jaimes, Timos Sellis: Algorithms and criteria for diversification of news article comments. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems: 1-47.


Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella, Ingmar Weber, Sonya Dal Cin: From “I love you babe” to “leave me alone” – Romantic Relationship Breakups on Twitter. SocInfo 2014: 199-215.

Gabriel Magno, Ingmar Weber: International Gender Differences and Gaps in Online Social Networks. SocInfo 2014: 121-138.

Lu Chen, Ingmar Weber and Adam Okulicz-Kozaryn: U.S. Religious Landscape on Twitter. SocInfo 2014: 199-215.

Zhe Liu, Ingmar Weber: Is Twitter a Public Sphere for Online Conflicts? A Cross-Ideological and Cross-Hierarchical Look. SocInfo 2014 (short paper): 336-347.

Farshad Kooti, Gabriel Magno, Ingmar Weber: The Social Name-Letter Effect on Online Social Networks. SocInfo 2014 (short paper): 216-227.

Yelena Mejova, Ingmar Weber: Quantifying Politics Using Online Data: Introduction to the Symposium Issue. SSCR 32(2): 131 (2014)

Wenyi Huang, Ingmar Weber, Sarah Vieweg: Inferring Nationalities of Twitter Users and Studying Inter-National Linking. HyperText 2014: 237-242.

Zhe Liu, Ingmar Weber: Cross-Hierarchical Communication in Twitter Conflicts. HyperText 2014: 311-312.

Suin Kim, Ingmar Weber, Li Wei, Alice Oh: Sociolinguistic Analysis of Twitter in Multilingual Societies. HyperText 2014: 243-248.

Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella, Ingmar Weber: Co-Following on Twitter. HyperText 2014: 249-254.

Ingmar Weber, Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella: Visualizing User-Defined, Discriminative Geo-Temporal Twitter Activity. ICWSM 2014 (demo): 656-657.

Ingmar Weber, Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella: Using Co-Following for Personalized Out-of-Context Twitter Friend Recommendation. ICWSM 2014 (demo): 654-655.

David Garcia, Ingmar Weber, Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella: Gender Asymmetries in Reality and Fiction: The Bechdel Test of Social Media. ICWSM 2014: 131-140.

Aniko Hannak, Drew Margolin, Brian Keegan, Ingmar Weber: Get Back! You Don’t Know Me Like That: The Social Mediation of Fact Checking Interventions in Twitter Conversations. ICWSM 2014: 187-196.

Yelena Mejova, Ingmar Weber, Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella, Michael C. Dougal: Giving is Caring: Understanding Donation Behavior through Email. CSCW 2014: 1297-1307.

Sergio Duarte Torres, Ingmar Weber, Djoerd Hiemstra: Analysis of Search and Browsing Behavior of Young Users on the Web. TWEB 8(2): 7 (2014)

Sergio Duarte Torres, Djoerd Hiemstra, Ingmar Weber, Pavel Serdyukov: Query Recommendation in the Information Domain of Children. JASIST 65(7): 1368-1384 (2014)

Adiya Abisheva, Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella, David Garcia, Ingmar Weber: Who Watches (and Shares) What on YouTube? And When? Using Twitter to Understand YouTube Viewership. WSDM 2014: 593-602

Zhe Liu, Ingmar Weber: Predicting Ideological Friends and Foes in Twitter Conflicts. WWW-WebSci Track 2014: 575-576

Emilio Zagheni, Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella, Ingmar Weber, Bogdan State: Inferring International and Internal Migration Patterns from Twitter Data. WWW-WebSci Track 2014: 439-444


Aristides Gionis, Flavio Junqueira, Vincent Leroy, Marco Serafinin, Ingmar Weber: Piggybacking on Social Networks. PVLDB 6 (6): 409-420 (2013)

Ingmar Weber, Ana-Maria Popescu, Marco Pennacchiotti: PLEAD 2013: Politics, Elections and Data. CIKM 2013: 2553-2554.

Ingmar Weber: Political Polarization of Web Search Queries and Hashtags. ACM SIGWEB Newsletter, Summer 2013, Article No. 4

Mahashweta Das, Gianmarco De Francisci Morales, Aristides Gionis, Ingmar Weber: Learning to question: Leveraging user preferences for shopping advice. KDD 2013: 203-211

Ingmar Weber, Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella, Alaa Batayneh: Secular vs. Islamist Polarization in Egypt on Twitter. ASONAM 2013: 290-297

Ingmar Weber, Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella: #Egypt: Visualizing Islamist vs. Secular tension on Twitter. ASONAM 2013: 1100-1101

Paul Duetting, Monika Henzinger, Ingmar Weber: Sponsored search, market equilibria, and the Hungarian Method. Inf. Process. Lett. 113(3): 67-73 (2013)

Paul Duetting, Monika Henzinger, Ingmar Weber: Bidder optimal assignments for general utilities. Theor. Comput. Sci. 478: 22-32 (2013)

Eda Baykan, Monika Henzinger, Ingmar Weber: pdf_icon A Comprehensive Study of Techniques for URL-Based Web Page Language Classification. TWEB 7(1): 3 (2013)

Philip J. McParlane, Yelena Mejova, Ingmar Weber: Detecting Friday Night Party Photos: Semantics for Tag Recommendation. ECIR 2013: 756-759

Ingmar Weber, Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella, Asmelash Teka: Political Hashtag Trends. ECIR 2013: 857-860

Bogdan State, Ingmar Weber, Emilio Zagheni: pdf_icon Studying inter-national mobility through IP geolocation. WSDM 2013: 265-274

Ilaria Bordino, Gianmarco De Francisci Morales, Ingmar Weber, Francesco Bonchi: pdf_icon From machu_picchu to “rafting the urubamba river”: anticipating information needs via the entity-query graph. WSDM 2013: 275-284

Ingmar Weber, Ana-Maria Popescu, Marco Pennacchiotti: pdf_icon Data-driven political science. WSDM 2013: 777-778

Ingmar Weber, Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella, Erik Borra: pdf_icon Inferring audience partisanship for YouTube videos. WWW (Companion Volume) 2013: 43-44

Asmelash Teka Hadgu, Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella, Ingmar Weber: pdf_icon Political hashtag hijacking in the U.S.. WWW (Companion Volume) 2013: 55-56


Elad Yom-Tov, Luis Fernandez-Luque, Ingmar Weber, Steven P Crain: Pro-Anorexia and Pro-Recovery Photo Sharing: A Tale of Two Warring Tribes. JMIR 14(6): e151 (2012)

Ilaria Bordino, Stefano Battiston, Guido Caldarelli, Matthieu Cristelli, Antti Ukkonen, Ingmar Weber: Web Search Queries Can Predict Stock Market Volumes. PLoS ONE 7(7): e40014 (2012)

Robert West, Ingmar Weber, Carlos Castillo: Drawing a Data-Driven Portrait of Wikipedia Editors. WikiSym 2012: 3

Erik Borra, Ingmar Weber: Political Insights: Exploring partisanship in Web search queries. First Monday 17(7) (2012)

Ingmar Weber: pdf_icon Advice for young Jedi knights and PhD students. PIKM 2012: 49-50

Sergio Duarte Torres, Djoerd Hiemstra, Ingmar Weber, Pavel Serdyukov: pdf_icon Query recommendation for children. CIKM 2012: 2010-2014

Paul Duetting, Monika Henzinger, Ingmar Weber: pdf_icon Maximizing revenue from strategic recommendations under decaying trust. CIKM 2012: 2283-2286

Ingmar Weber, Ana-Maria Popescu, Marco Pennacchiotti: pdf_icon PLEAD 2012: politics, elections and data. CIKM 2012: 2768-2769

Ingmar Weber, Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella, Erik Borra: pdf_icon Political search trends. SIGIR 2012: 1012

Aristides Gionis, Flavio Junqueira, Vincent Leroy, Marco Serafini, Ingmar Weber: pdf_icon Social piggybacking: leveraging common friends to generate event streams. SNS 2012: 8

Ingmar Weber, Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella, Erik Borra: pdf_icon Mining web query logs to analyze political issues. WebSci 2012: 330-339

Emilio Zagheni, Ingmar Weber: pdf_icon You are where you e-mail: using e-mail data to estimate international migration rates. WebSci 2012: 348-351

Giorgos Giannopoulos, Ingmar Weber, Alejandro Jaimes, Timos K. Sellis: Diversifying User Comments on News Articles. WISE 2012: 100-113

Ingmar Weber, Antti Ukkonen, Aristides Gionis: pdf_icon Answers, not links: extracting tips from yahoo! answers to address how-to web queries. WSDM 2012: 613-622

Onur Kucuktunc, Berkant Barla Cambazoglu, Ingmar Weber, Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu: pdf_icon A large-scale sentiment analysis for Yahoo! answers. WSDM 2012: 633-642

Giovanni Gardelli, Ingmar Weber: pdf_icon Using toolbar data to understand Yahoo answers usage. WWW (Companion Volume) 2012: 509-510

Robert West, Ingmar Weber, Carlos Castillo: pdf_icon A data-driven sketch of Wikipedia editors. WWW (Companion Volume) 2012: 631-632

Giovanni Gardelli, Ingmar Weber: pdf_icon Why do you ask this? WWW (Companion Volume) 2012: 815-822


Paul Duetting, Monika Henzinger, Ingmar Weber: Offline file assignments for online load balancing. Inf. Process. Lett. 111(4): 178-183 (2011)

Eda Baykan, Monika Henzinger, Ludmila Marian, Ingmar Weber: pdf_icon A Comprehensive Study of Features and Algorithms for URL-Based Topic Classification. TWEB 5(3): 15 (2011)

Adish Singla, Ingmar Weber: pdf_icon Camera Brand Congruence and Camera Model Propagation in the Flickr Social Graph. TWEB 5(4): 20 (2011)

Sergio Duarte Torres, Ingmar Weber: pdf_icon What and how children search on the web. CIKM 2011: 393-402

Ingmar Weber, Alejandro Jaimes: pdf_icon Who uses web search for what: and how. WSDM 2011: 15-24

Paul Duetting, Monika Henzinger, Ingmar Weber: pdf_icon An expressive mechanism for auctions on the web. WWW 2011: 127-136


Monika Henzinger, Jacob Sunol, Ingmar Weber: The stability of the h-index. Scientometrics 84(2): 465-479 (2010)

Ingmar Weber, Alejandro Jaimes: pdf_icon Demographic information flows. CIKM 2010: 1521-1524

Ingmar Weber, Carlos Castillo: pdf_icon The demographics of web search. SIGIR 2010: 523-530

Paul Duetting, Monika Henzinger, Ingmar Weber: Sponsored Search, Market Equilibria, and the Hungarian Method. STACS 2010: 287-298

Paul Duetting, Monika Henzinger, Ingmar Weber: pdf_icon How much is your personal recommendation worth? WWW 2010: 1085-1086

Adish Singla, Ingmar Weber: pdf_icon Tagging and navigability. WWW 2010: 1185-1186


Stephen Robertson, Milan Vojnovic, Ingmar Weber: pdf_iconRethinking the ESP game. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 3937-3942

Paul Duetting, Monika Rauch Henzinger, Ingmar Weber: Bidder Optimal Assignments for General Utilities. WINE 2009: 575-582

Adish Singla, Ingmar Weber: pdf_icon Camera brand congruence in the Flickr social graph. WSDM 2009: 252-261

Sebastian Michel, Ingmar Weber: pdf_icon Rethinking email message and people search. WWW 2009: 1107-1108

Eda Baykan, Monika Rauch Henzinger, Ludmila Marian, Ingmar Weber: pdf_icon Purely URL-based topic classification. WWW 2009: 1109-1110


Holger Bast, Christian Worm Mortensen, Ingmar Weber: Output-sensitive autocompletion search. Inf. Retr. 11(4): 269-286 (2008)

Holger Bast, Ingmar Weber: Effiziente und Proaktive Suche. KI 22(2): 58-61 (2008)

Eda Baykan, Monika Rauch Henzinger, Ingmar Weber: pdf_iconWeb page language identification based on URLs. PVLDB 1(1): 176-187 (2008)

Holger Bast, Fabian M. Suchanek, Ingmar Weber: Semantic Full-Text Search with ESTER: Scalable, Easy, Fast. ICDM Workshops 2008: 959-962

Nikhil Garg, Ingmar Weber: pdf_icon Personalized, interactive tag recommendation for flickr. RecSys 2008: 67-74

Nikhil Garg, Ingmar Weber: pdf_iconPersonalized tag suggestion for flickr. WWW 2008: 1063-1064


Ingmar Weber: Efficient index structures for and applications of the CompleteSearch engine. Saarland University 2007

Holger Bast, Ingmar Weber: The Complete Search Engine: Interactive, Efficient, and Towards IR& DB Integration. CIDR 2007: 88-95

Holger Bast, Debapriyo Majumdar, Ingmar Weber: pdf_iconEfficient interactive query expansion with complete search. CIKM 2007: 857-860

Holger Bast, Alexandru Chitea, Fabian M. Suchanek, Ingmar Weber: pdf_icon ESTER efficient search on text, entities, and relations. SIGIR 2007: 671-678


Zvi Lotker, Debapriyo Majumdar, N. S. Narayanaswamy, Ingmar Weber: Sequences Characterizing k-Trees. COCOON 2006: 216-225

Holger Bast, Ingmar Weber: ESTER: efficient search on text, entities, and relationsType less, find more: fast autocompletion search with a succinct index. SIGIR 2006: 364-371

Holger Bast, Christian Worm Mortensen, Ingmar Weber: Output-Sensitive Autocompletion Search. SPIRE 2006: 150-162


Albert Bifet, Carlos Castillo, Paul-Alexandru Chirita, Ingmar Weber: An Analysis of Factors Used in Search Engine Ranking. AIRWeb 2005: 48-57

Holger Bast, Ingmar Weber: Don’t Compare Averages. WEA 2005: 67-76

Holger Bast, Ingmar Weber: Insights from Viewing Ranked Retrieval as Rank Aggregation. WIRI 2005: 232-239